Sunday, December 30, 2018

Cult of Pinkie Love

as told to Viktor Quixote by One Who Must Remain Nameless

              Cult of Pinkie Love: 
                     a Confessional 
              24 December 2017

The painful memory of her abrupt disappearance--spirited away by her dad the small-town grifter, and another man who turned out to be the father of her middle child (she has three kids by three dads)--still haunts me and replays in my mind. Even tonight, I continue to mutter to myself, almost enjoying the bittersweet hollowness I feel inside, for I do love her, and the near literary quality of irony inherent in the incident that sparked my arrest and our still-running order of no contact.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Does Evil Exist Outside the Mind of Man?

Malignant Narcissism: Trending or Ending?
by Tommy George
(thanks for the plug, Vik!)

I envision myself as an author dealt a unique thematic niche based on my personal recognition and experience of Malignant Narcissism, a psychiatric disorder declared by Erich Fromm (perhaps a touch melodramatically) as the “quintessence of evil.” I ask you--reader, story editor, agent, publicist, and publisher--to consider such claims 1) in light of the theme's still-evolving definition, 2) in terms of Media Relations: what professional protocol is needed to legitimize and differentiate a new niche within the Mass Mind. After these near-imponderables, if you are still willing, I ask that you take a look at my writing so far in this odd milieu.
My ambition is to carve a market-niche for myself on tales revolving around a personality disorder syndrome considered by some--notably Erich Fromm, the originator of the term, and psychiatrist M. Scott Peck, author of People of the Lie--as evil: malignant narcissism.

The semiology (symptomology) of this psychic aberration is difficult to pin down because of its skillful, practiced duplicity. It scapegoats others for destructive acts wrought in secret by its own machinations, and its perpetrators display a convincing semblance of self-as-victim to the public.

Its behavioral manifestations are as diverse as the range of comorbid disorders that attach themselves to the malignant core of the syndrome, and appear as secretly disordered inscrutabilities of so many stripes--some so scandalously outre that the author considers the hidden malignancy syndrome a "buzzworthy" phenomenon.

With mass audiences hungry for new twists, malignant narcissism (more properly called narcissistic personality disorder syndrome) could very well trend into mainstream popular media with a smartly coordinated, properly informed effort. The thematic conflict boils down to a simple, harrowing question: does evil have an independent existence, apart from human foibles? Is it a free-floating entity, searching for a host victim? Or is it a series of life- constricting cathexes instilled generation to generation, and purgeable via intense behavioral and emotional treatment? It is a universal question, answerable only when nothing but the unvarnished truth remains.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Doctors Declare Masturbation Will Fend Off Cancer of the Prostate

by Viktor Quixote
Ladies, the woman pictured above
has advice on how to help your man
and yourself. Clik and explore.
November 22, 2018. Thanksgiving Day. Researchers now agree that as men age and testosterone levels decline, so does frequency of intercourse between partners. Conversely, slow developing disorders of the prostate gland begin to pick up steam, often leading to cancer of the prostate. There is something you can do about it. Several things, in fact.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Cockroaches: Smarter than You Think

by Viktor Quixote

Ah, what an aberration these humans be.
2018 9-14. Detroit. Okay. You are one smart human being, appointed by Jehovah as vice-regent of His earthly holdings. Cockroaches are filthy, uncouth parasites on the domestic antisepsis of your divinely conferred patches of ground. Consequently, we stamp them out by the millions--by the billions.